A new application note has been posted to the support page of scadametrics.com.  The note documents the procedures for programming a Sensus “ICE” register (index) for maximum metering resolution and EtherMeter compatibility. Maximized resolution improves the connected SCADA system’s ability to monitor realtime flow-rate and totalization from both water and gas meters. While it is preferable (and simpler) for the customer to Read More →

In response to customer requests, pulse-based batching capability has been added to the EtherMeter.  This new ability will be included on all future EtherMeter shipments dated 01 Feb 2010 and beyond. In most municipal water applications in which a pulse-based water meter is used, the pulse count is generally preferred to totalize without reset.  However, Read More →

The EtherMeter can be used to enable a SCADA system to collect both water and gas meter totalization and instantaneous flow-rate — even simultaneously. An interesting application is the use of a single EtherMeter connected to an encoder-based water meter plus an encoder-based gas meter.  In the example illustrated below, a Sensus SR-II water meter and a Sensus R-275 temperature-compensated Read More →

A new white paper has been posted to scadametrics.com.  In this paper, methods are described for connecting a combination of water and gas meters to an automation network. Because Itron/Actaris offers encoder-type signaling, in the form of the “Cyble-Coder” technology — in both their water and gas meters — the Itron/Actaris models are emphasized in this article. Click Read More →

When connecting a Sensus Omni Meter (T2, C2, R2, or F2) to an EtherMeter, it is important to connect to the proper Omni cable.  A potential point of confusion is that the Omni meter features two identical, integrated cables.  In order to clarify the wiring, an application note (Application Note #6) has been published on scadametrics.com with wiring Read More →

Over at control.com, a PLC engineer was working to troubleshoot the connection between two PLC’s. Having done this way back when, I decided to post what I think was a pretty nifty solution. (Besides, this could be useful for troubleshooting communications between any two pieces of computer equipment, including an EtherMeter.) In my case, I had both a master Read More →

Welcome to the SCADAmetrics Blog… the home of informal news and discussion pertaining to SCADAmetrics’ products and their use. This section of the website is new, so keep checking back in, as I hope to keep it updated with fresh and useful information.