Jim 'Slim' Mimlitz

Jim ‘Slim’ Mimlitz, SCADAmetrics

A new application note has been posted to the support page of scadametrics.com.  The note documents the procedures for programming a Sensus “ICE” register (index) for maximum metering resolution and EtherMeter compatibility.

Maximized resolution improves the connected SCADA system’s ability to monitor realtime flow-rate and totalization from both water and gas meters.

While it is preferable (and simpler) for the customer to request pre-programming by Sensus personnel, it is important to note that Sensus meters may also be programmed in the field with one of Sensus’ field programming devices.

This document details the field-programming procedures for Sensus water and gas meters.

Link to Application Note (#009)

Jim 'Slim' Mimlitz

About Jim 'Slim' Mimlitz

Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer @ SCADAmetrics. Specialties: Connecting Flow Meters with SCADA, Telemetry, and Building Automation Systems. Electronic Circuit Design, Software Development.

2 Thoughts on “Sensus Water & Gas Meters – Configuring The ICE™ Index For Maximum Flow & Total Resolution

  1. Avatar Nic Harrison on August 31, 2015 at 8:12 am said:

    The city of Port Lavaca, Texas recently installed the Sensus OMNI Meter at my two properties (side-by-side). I have had no appreciable problems with the meters, but during the month of August, the meter that gets the least use showed 39,000 gallons of water being used. My meter showed no flow movement or flooded area, indicating no line usage (leaks). This line is used exlcusively for watering a few plants as there is no house usage. I am wanting to know if there has been reports of the meter going erratic from time to time. We have previously had two summers in a row where there were many 100 degree days in a row and I used lots of water on my plants, but NEVER to this degree and especially with the wet summer we have had. I would like your response before going to the city water department.
    Thank you.
    Nic Harrison

  2. Hello Nic, I have never personally observed a problem with the Sensus Omni like the one you described. The Omni-T2, Omni-C2, and Omni-F2 have integral datalogging capability. See http://sensus.com/documents/10157/31342/DS-W-OMT-00-00-0611. (Although the Omni-R2 residential does not.) Therefore, I recommend you contact the water department with your concerns, and they should be able to extract the usage logs from the meter and provide you with a copy. Hope this helps!

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