Jim ‘Slim’ Mimlitz, SCADAmetrics
In support of a customer project, we were recently tasked to verify compatibility between the TM-2000 and TM-8000 Series Mobile Radios (manufactured by Tecnet International) and the B202. Mobile radios can be a useful alternative to telemetry radios in situations where there is a requirement for increased duty-cycle, increased RF power, or audio feedback.
As a result of our laboratory testing, we are pleased to report that compatibility was verified. Also, we have authored an Application Note that details the steps required to use the B202 with the TM-2102: Link to Application Note.
Are you interested in utilizing the Tecnet TM-2100 Series Mobile Radio and the SCADAmetrics B202 Modem in a SCADA/Telemetry application? Give us a call, and we’ll be glad to discuss your application in detail.