Jim ‘Slim’ Mimlitz, SCADAmetrics
You have an AMI-capable water meter, and you are quite satisfied with its ability to transmit revenue-grade readings into your AMI system – but in certain situations, wouldn’t it be useful if you could collect those same revenue-grade readings into your SCADA system, as well?
The Model SDA “AMI Duplexer for SCADA Systems” was designed for that exact purpose!
The AMI Duplexer for SCADA Systems enables the splitting of AMI signals from every major AMI-capable water meter to every major AMI/AMR/Visual endpoint in the industry – including those from Sensus, Neptune, Metron-Farnier, Kemp-Meek, Aclara, Mueller, Kamstrup, Badger, Master Meter, RG3, Zenner, Itron, Elster-AMCO, McCrometer, and many others!
The AMI Duplexer maintains all the popular functionality contained within our retired Radio-Read Filter device which led to its widespread acceptance at major water utilities throughout the United States and Canada – PLUS the additions of an attractive, compact din-rail case and a convenient removable terminal block.
It is important to note that the SDA “AMI Duplexer for SCADA Systems” is designed to only split a meter signal to a SCADAmetrics EtherMeter plus a third-party AMI device. If signal splitting to strictly non-EtherMeter devices is desired, then the UDA “Universal Duplexer for AMI” is the recommended signal splitter.
Sample Application:
Are you interested in how SCADAmetrics technology can help you to eliminate pulse-counting errors and split a water meter’s encoder signal to both your AMI and SCADA systems? Give us a call! We’ll be glad to discuss the details!