The model evoQ4 is a popular magnetic flow meter manufactured by Honeywell (formerly Elster-AMCO); and it is available in pipe diameters 1.5-12 inch. Like many AWWA-style flow meters, the evoQ4 is available with several remote signaling options, including: Encoded and pulse signaling modules for the evoQ4 are detailed in the following Honeywell documents: HERE (pulse Read More →

The Honeywell (Elster) evoQ4 is a very popular magnetic flow meter in use throughout North America.  It is available with an Absolute Encoder Output signal, pulse signal, or both.  At time of purchase, the AMR encoder signal may be specified as either “Elster K-Frame” protocol or “Sensus” protocol. If you would like to connect an Read More →

This article describes how to use an EtherMeter to connect a Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge to a SCADA System, yielding a realtime rainfall measurement system that communicates using Modbus, DF1, and EtherNet/IP. This rain measuring instrumentation was a component of the new SCADA System at the DesMoines & Mississippi Levee District (Alexandria, MO).  The electronics were Read More →

In addition to its ability to read most encoder-type flow meters, the EtherMeter also features pulse-input support. The following Application Note details the procedures for connecting a Sensus High-Speed Pickup (Pulse) Register to an EtherMeter; and it also describes an example of modified Setup Menu parameters for the High-Speed Pickup: Note that the Sensus Read More →

The Preciseline Pressure Transducer (manufactured by Keller-America ), like our EtherMeter, offers a digital Modbus-based solution to a water telemetry problem that was previously solved by analog (4-20mA) instrumentation. In the case of the Preciseline, the water pressure signal is converted into Modbus; whereas in the case of our EtherMeter, error-free totalization and flow-rate data is collected Read More →

In response to customer requests, pulse-based batching capability has been added to the EtherMeter.  This new ability will be included on all future EtherMeter shipments dated 01 Feb 2010 and beyond. In most municipal water applications in which a pulse-based water meter is used, the pulse count is generally preferred to totalize without reset.  However, Read More →

The EtherMeter can be used to enable a SCADA system to collect both water and gas meter totalization and instantaneous flow-rate — even simultaneously. An interesting application is the use of a single EtherMeter connected to an encoder-based water meter plus an encoder-based gas meter.  In the example illustrated below, a Sensus SR-II water meter and a Sensus R-275 temperature-compensated Read More →